
If you are in Paris during the month of July (or January), you might be lucky enough to stumble upon the soldes (sales). The French government sets the dates for these five-week sales each year and they typically fall in July and January. The summer soldes began on June 25 and will end on July 29. If you weren't able to hit the sales on the first day, fear not! As the weeks go on many stores have second and third markdowns (deuxième and troisième dèmarques). The soldes are not just limited to clothing and accessories, you can even find housewares on sale. Although quite a bit of the merchandise gets scooped up during the first week of the sales, I have noticed some stores add more items from their inventory each week. Bonne chance! 

P.S. The 2015 winter sale dates are Wednesday, January 07 to Tuesday, February, 10.

2 Responses

  1. Carol Zink

    Je veux aller

  2. Dorothy Rotatori


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